Monday, March 24, 2008

monday, monday, lala- lalalala....

it was an adventurous weekend. well, not really... ended up in the minor emergency room saturday afternoon. yeah, i kept trying to pass out. and since paul had a bleeder in his brain like 5 years back, he's a bit panicky about those things... long story short, it's either a sinus infection, or an aneurysm. so, considering the fact that i'm still here, i'll assume that it's a sinus infection. not to worry, the doc said if i try to pass out again, i am to immediately go in and get a cat scan. the reason i didn't do that on saturday? have you ever been in the ER of a hospital on a holiday weekend in oklahoma.... yeah. all the yahoo's doing their yahoo things.....

so, i thought i'd introduce you to one of my bunnies.... this is Aengus Mcgee, after his hair cut- it's not as bad as i thought it would be, really.

he's a real sweetie, he'll be a year old in may. His coloring is what they call a "tort". He's a french angora, and when i clipped him, the fiber was 4 -5 inches long, which is really nice. His favorite thing to do is throw his toys around in his cage, and of course, turn out.....he's got a great hop and thump!

so, today, i've got to finish up a t-shirt quilt, and go to the fabric store to get some material for a knitting needle case i'm making thru alchemy on etsy, do bunny turnout, clean out the bunny barn, make some more stuff to sell at the blue dome festival, with harley!!


Little Lovables said...

Hope you feel better! What a cute little bunny :)

A Blond And A Torch said...

Oh my! I am hoping for a sinus infection, you poor thing!

That bunny is so cuddly cute!

Anonymous said...

Awww, Angus is adorable.

woolies said...

OOOO I love your bunny! We used to have bunnies.....
hope you're feeling better!z