Friday, April 11, 2008

lookie!! a poll!!

so, i'm trying out new things on this little blog of mine, and i thought i'd try a poll. just to see if anybody answers it.

so, please, for the love of all that's holy, answer it.

i couldn't think of a good question. well, maybe it IS a good question. you should probably be aware of how long it's been since you've consumed the "green tree" as i like to call it.

more later....


Heather Buchanan said...

It's a great poll! Got me thinking about the lack of little green trees in my diet.

Rosebud Collection said...

I love it...voted..happy blog.wbkmevm

Unknown said...

That was fun...

Hyla said...

LOL, well not "never", but it has been years!

Anonymous said...

I voted! I ate broccoli last night on my garlic pizza! Maybe I'll go have the leftovers for breakfast!

Hedgelands Glass Lass said...

That was surreal but fun! Thanks : ) Maybe I should do some surreal polls too - I just did a piece on what dichroic glass is (sigh).